VersionBackup Master is an advanced file backup system.
Compared to other backup programs, it has a considerably increased functionality. The backups are not only saved daily, maybe locally, in the network or as Online backups. The best thing about it, is that the copies of different days are saved in separate data channels. Selecting not only the file path and file name but also the date, the separate file versions can be found and recovered very easily. This is valid even if the backups have been archived on an external drive, on a DVD or in the Internet.
Other backup software is specialized only for the creation of backup copies. Functions to manage the existing backup stock usually are missing. The backup files will be overwritten each time, when a new backup version of a certain file is created. Most backup programs provide only the last copied backup for recovery. Older backup versions are no more available.
VersionBackup has been developed to avoid this disadvantage. With VersionBackup, each backup will continue existing as long as you like, for many years. The different issues of any file will be managed separately.

Clearly arranged dialog pages let you configure VersionBackup to make it work for you exactly to your requirements.
If you are using common backup software, you should prefer to create a Full Backup each day. This is because it will be very difficult to combine the results of different Incremental Backup runs without very good tool assistance. But a Full Backup each day waists a lot of storage space. If you ate using VersionBackup, you can use Incremental Backups, copying only the changes of each day. Nevertheless, you will keep the overview. VersionBackup can reconstruct the combination of files from any selected day, even if the file versions are located in different Incremental Backups. Using Incremental Backups will reduce your storage space requirements significantly. Only occasionally, a Full Backup should be inserted (approx. all 2 to 12 months). Even this is done automatically according to your configuration. (See also: Backup Procedures provided by VersionBackup)
This is Professional Data Securing.
If you want to recover a special version of the file set, you will be assisted by VersionBackup’s special Backup-Browser. You select you not only the file path and file name, but in the third column also the calendar date of the version. This way, you get a clearly arranged access to the development course on your computer.
The Backup-Browser lets you view into the past. It shows you clearly, which versions are available from which files. For each file it is stored when it existed in the original data set. The Backup-Browser displays the directory- and file structure, independently from the present state.
To recover one file or several directories, select the desired date from the list. It does not matter, whether this version has been stored in a Full Backup or an Incremental Backup. VersionBackup will get the proper set of file versions from the Backup Archive and will copy it to the desired recovery location.
The daily backup creation runs automatically without any user assistance. To make this possible, the primary backups will be stored on a permanently accessible disk. This may be a hard disk on your computer. But it is better to use a separate storage media, maybe in the network. It is also possible storing the data as Online Backups on any FTP server in the Internet . This is not complicated and you get FTP storing space together with your web space from almost every Internet Provider. One other possibility is storing the backups on a removable external drive. If you are using an USB hard drive as media for the primary backups, then you can plug it off and lock it at a secure place. VersionBackup can be configured to start the backup creation when the USB drive is plugged in.
Furthermore, VersionBackup assists you archiving the primary backups on an external archive media. For instance, you can duplicate your data to an external drive or a DVD every month or send them to the Internet. This increases your security, because the data then will be stored on different media. VersionBackup can delete the backups on the primary disk, as soon as they have been archived.
This way, you can keep your backups at hand for many decades. Nevertheless, you will not loose in the data chaos, because VersionBackup will keep the overview. If you select an older date range, the content of the archive media will be displayed in the Backup-Browser together with the primary backups. VersionBackup does even the Recovery from any external media. If necessary, it will prompt you to make the needed disk accessible. Of it goes to the Internet to get the backups from the FTP server.

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