News for
VersionBackup users:

Issue: 2014-01-01

January 1st, 2014:
No More VersionBackup Licenses Sold
Due to the low demand, we stopped selling any VersionBackup Licenses.
Therefore, new VersionBackup installations will no more be possible.
This affects also any updates from VersionBackup 4 to VersionBackup 5.

July 27th, 2013:
Announcement from the Pulpit in the Internet
The fact that the VersionBackup development has been stopped and that no more licenses will be sold from 2014 has been announced in the Internet.

July 12th, 2013:
Decision to Stop Further Development and to Stop License Selling From Start of 2014
Up to now, the development of VersionBackup has been financed in advance. Due to the volume and the complexity of the functionality, a lot of effort would be necessary even in the future.
Assessing this situation, we concluded that even with the new data model and the new marketing concept, no gainful sale of VersionBackup will be possible.
Therefore, we will terminate all activities concerning VersionBackup in the end of 2013.

May 2013:
VersionBackup 6 Beta is Ready
The implementation of the high performance data model for backup volumes up to 10 Terabytes has been mostly finished.
All main features in the prototype of VersionBackup 6 are running properly. 
But until maketability, there will be still a lot to do.

June 2012:
New Layout of the User Interface
Release 6 will get a completely reworked screen layout.
The layout proposals have been developed by our Marketing Partner.
In June 2012, the most parts of these modifications were implemented.

March 2011:
New Patch Release
Error corrections regarding Data Base Repair and Verify.
More details see page New Functions.

February 2011:
New Marketing Concept
The forward-looking concept of our Marketing Partner has been enacted as our new marketing base from Release 6 on.
It will work according to the deployment of Smartfone Apps.

December  2010:
Cooperation With a New Marketing Partner
To increase the awareness level and the dissemination of VersionBackup, a cooperation agreement with a new marketing company has been concluded.

Fall 2010:
Concept for a New Data Model for Release 6
The main focus for the future development has been determinated:
As the data volume on the computers continues to increase, VersionBackup shall be able to handle much bigger data stocks.
Currently, VersionBackup is desined to operate with approx. 1 Million file versions. VersionBackup 6 shall have a completely reworked data handling to enable it to manage and display archives with 100 Million versions. This means a backup volume of approx. 10 Terabytes. If the computer memory is big enough, even bigger backup archives shall be properly processed.

June 2010:
New Patch Release
Windows 7-Optimization, Error messages at multiple errors. Client-Server Communication improved.

January 2010:
New Release 5.1
Right now it is possible, to select and recover backup copies with different time stamps from the same day.
On the other hand the communication features between VersionBackup Server and Client has been enhanced

August 2009:
New Patch Release
This Release increases the speed of backup creation and Backup-Browser startup.

April 2009:
New Patch Release
DLL Assign Error creating the mobile recovery system fixed (Error since

March 2009:
The number of VersionBackup downloads registered by SB-AW exceeds the number 200,000.
(The total number of downloads should be much higher because many WEB portals offer the versionBackup download from their own servers.)

February 2009:
New Patch Release
This new software issue brings not only some error corrections but also an improved memory management. To keep the backup versions at hand, the Backup-Browser now needs significantly less main memory. This is very favorable with big backup archives.

November 2008:
VersionBackup 5 is ready!
This is new:


Optimal Access to USB Sticks and USB Drives


Versatile Control during the Backup Creation and Archiving
Activation of a USB drive can be configured as start reason.
If the USB drive is not ready, the copy run will be restarted at next drive activation.


Recognizing Different USB Drives by their Serial Number or Identifier
The copy run will start only if you connect the right USB drive.


VersionBackup Gnome: a mobile Recovery System on a USB Stick
Go to any computer with the USB drive, start the Gnome and do the recovery with the Backup Browser.


Several File Versions per Day


After a configurable number of days, the multiple copies will be removed.


Easy Data Storage Configuration with the Intelligent Delete Function


It is no more necessary configuring any Full Backup and Delete Parameter manually. These parameters will be set automatically from your target values.


The Intelligent Delete Function deletes single files from a backup while keeping the rest. This results in more flexible data management.


Three additional reasons to delete backups or to prohibit the deletion are available.


More information: see New Functions

October 2008:
VersionBackup at the Systems Fair
From 21. to 24. October 2008, you will find VersionBackup at the “Systems” fair in Munich,
Hall B2/347. We will be glad to see you.

If you need a ticket for the Systems, please contact our sales partner OMEGA S.E.E. [email protected].

May 2008:
Buy Server Licenses
Now, it is possible to purchase even Server Licenses in our Internet Shop (see list of prices).

May 2008:
New sales responsibility
From May 2008 on, OMEGA S.E.E. takes over the complete order processing.
When you order VersionBackup licenses from this Internet presentation, your contract partner is no more SB-AW, but OMEGA S.E.E..

March 2008:
Information Video
For your information, you can watch a Flash Video explaining the advantages of VersionBackup.

February 2008:
New Patch Release
A new Patch Software has been released on Feb. 10th. with some minor improvements for Master and Server.
We recommend to all VersionBackup 4 users to update their installation to this new software.

February 2008:
Documentation in English Language
The VersionBackup Operating Manual is now available also in English. There are two PDF file issues, one for VersionBackup Master and one for VersionBackup Server.
They can be downloaded from the Download Page.




General information to backup topics

Reasons for Data Loss

Different Backup Procedures

Data Backup or System Backup

Reasons for Archiving

Information about VersionBackup

New Functions


Product Description


Server Concept

Operation with Server/Client


Buy VersionBackup Master


Licenses Information



License Agreement VersionBackup Master

License Agreement VersionBackup Server

Legal Conditions